If you are a scientist/entrepreneur with a great commercialisable idea which requires further R&D, please send us your proposal. The proposals would be selected based on their innovation merit, sustainability and marketability of the product/ service.
The interested scientist/entrepreneur should provide a brief information covering the points enlisted below
Please submit your proposal in the Request For Proposal (RFP) document format which has been issued for the purpose with details of the eligibility criteria and the selection methodology ( For details check subsection Business/Partners ). The proposal should be submitted at the following address
The Chief Executive Officer
Guwahati Biotech Park
TechnologyComplexIIT Guwahati
Phone No.: 0361-2690228/9
Fax:0361-2690227 E-mail: info2gbp@guwahatibiotechpark.com
The Park will ensure and assure its clients of confidentiality and security in relation to data and material provided by the client and the results of contractual work carried out on behalf of them.